State of the Non-Profit Sector SurveyOur State of the Nonprofit Sector Survey is a widely cited barometer of US nonprofits' programmatic, operational, and financial health.
When times got tough, government, philanthropy, and community members turned to nonprofits; 71% of survey respondents saw an increase in service demand during the pandemic. Nonprofits organized food drives and distributed other necessities for people in their communities who were sick or at risk, or who had lost jobs due to the pandemic. Many government, foundation, and individual supporters recognized that nonprofits were on the frontlines for our physical and mental well-being, and quickly made flexible or unrestricted funding available to support these essential community services.
Listening to Black Californians As part of its commitment to ending health inequities, CHCF partnered with EVITARUS, a Black-owned public opinion research firm in Los Angeles, to conduct a qualitative and quantitative study that listens to Black Californians via in-depth interviews, focus groups, and a statewide survey.
Listening to Black Californians is a three-phase study to understand Black Californians’ experiences of racism and the powerful influence it yields over their health care and outcomes. This project identifies policy actions and practice changes at the clinical, administrative, and training levels that policymakers and health system leaders can take to eliminate the impact of racism on Black Californians’ experiences in health care and to improve their health outcomes.
California Black Women’s Quality of Life Survey CA BLACK WOMEN’S QUALITY OF LIFE INDEX SURVEY RESULTS 2023
“We need real data on experiences of Black women so that the legislator and anyone involved in advocacy positions can make meaningful policy that will drive the change we need to improve their lives,” Wilson said.
The California Black Women’s Collective Empowerment Institute released the first-ever California Black Women’s Quality of Life Survey.
• This groundbreaking study collected insights from 1,258 Black women voters across California to understand their economic state, most pressing concerns, their attitudes toward policymakers, and their experiences and issues in California.
• The importance of this survey is that it highlights the experiences of Black Women in
• EVITARUS was the research firmed commissioned to do the public opinion survey.
Equity in Mental Health SurveyThe report calls for key investments to be made by healthcare providers and universities to increase the number of women of color who enter mental health professions, for healthcare provides to lower costs, and for community groups to bridge the lack of knowledge women have about mental health care.
Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) and Hispanas Organized for Political Equality (HOPE)® have released a historic statewide poll and report on the current state of mental health for Black and Latina women in California. The report and data aim to uplift challenges Black and Latina women face in accessing mental health care and their priorities for approaches to create greater equity in the provision of mental health care.
With all the political tension scattered across media platforms, it’s hard to not have an opinion on what’s a priority and what changes need to take place. I constantly try to figure out the politics, and I’m only 19 years old, which makes me part of an underwhelming demographic when it comes to voting.
People think the youth either doesn’t care, or are completely oblivious to their surroundings. It’s natural to assume this when just 16 percent of Californians between the ages of 18 to 24 years voted in the June 5 primary election, according to a Los Angeles Times article.
However, the youth is aware of what’s going on, and they do care. In a recent study conducted by Evitarus, a public opinion research and public policy consulting firm, 68 percent of the 2,043 Californian youth within the sample agreed they saw voting as an effective method to positively impact society.
Surveying Jewish Los Angeles: A Portrait Of EngagementThe poll is based on more than 1,800 interviews of registered Jewish voters and allows for analysis by age, gender, religious observance, and partisanship. The findings from the poll highlight how the County’s dynamic and diverse Jewish community views President Trump, the threat of anti-Semitism, and the 2020 election. It also explores the attitudes of Jews towards the State of Israel, gun control, the Affordable Care Act, same-sex marriage, and immigration.
On October 3, 2019 the Pat Brown Institute (PBI) for Public Affairs at Cal State LA released the findings of its recent poll of Los Angeles County’s Jewish voters. The survey briefing was held at the Wilshire Boulevard Temple (Erika J. Glazer Family Campus).
The Jewish poll is part of a groundbreaking, multiyear PBI project to survey four major racial and ethnic populations in Los Angeles County: the Asian American, Latino, African American, and Jewish communities. The Jewish poll illustrates how Jewish voters civically engage, their political priorities, and what they consider to be the key issues facing Los Angeles.
Measure J, Los Angeles County’s Criminal Justice Reform Measure Is Constitutional, Appellate Court FindsLA’s “Yes on J” campaign flipped the message from defunding cops to investing in everything else. It worked brilliantly.
Los Angeles voters have approved Measure J, also known as “Reimagine LA County,” which requires that 10 percent of the city’s unrestricted general funds — estimated between $360 million and $900 million per year — be invested in social services and alternatives to incarceration, not prisons and policing.
As of Wednesday afternoon, with a majority of votes counted, 57.1 percent of voters supported the measure, 42.9 percent opposed, according to the Los Angeles County registrar.
The measure’s passage comes at a moment when activists across the US — including in LA — have called for defunding police departments. While Measure J isn’t directly a defund the police initiative, it was designed as an important first step toward the public health and investment-based model of public safety that animates the defund movement.
Surveying African American Los Angeles: A Portrait Of EngagementThe PBI African American Poll is the largest survey of Black voters in LosAngeles County in recent memory, with a sample of over 2,300 voters.
On Wednesday, July 17, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., the Pat Brown Institute (PBI) for Public Affairs at Cal State LA released the findings of a poll that provides a comprehensive examination of how the complex and diverse African American community views President Trump and key issues that are defining the 2020 presidential campaign. The findings reveal the views of Black voters on issues including the Affordable Care Act, immigration, gun control, civic participation, same-sex marriage, discrimination, and law enforcement in Los Angeles.
A New Approach to getting homeless off LA's trains The L.A. Metro system is trying a new approach with homeless people who use trains as shelter.
The program, in its pilot phase, consists of an outreach group that has been riding the Metro Red Line five days a week since May, talking with every homeless person they see. The team consists of a nurse, formerly homeless individuals, social workers, and mental health specialists.
Measure H—Funding for Services to Support and Uplift Homeless Residents Los Angeles County Homelessness Survey Research Results
The research was designed to assess the following:
• General public attitudes toward the issue of homelessness
• Public support for a potential revenue measure to generate funding for
homeless services
• Public attitudes toward potential ballot measure funding mechanisms
• The optimal election timing for ballot placement should a potential measure
demonstrate viability given the 2/3rds vote-threshold required for passage of
local special-purpose ballot measures
• The interaction between public support for a potential homeless services
measure and other measures that may appear on a future ballot
Generosity Gap: Trends in Philanthropic GivingStudy cites decline in area philanthropic giving
A study released on June 3 by UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs and funded by the California Community Foundation showed that annual philanthropic giving by Los Angeles residents in 2013 had decreased by a whopping $1 billion from 2006.
Religious congregations can take some solace, however: “The Generosity Gap: Donating Less in Post-Recession Los Angeles County” also shows that they get the highest proportion of locally focused donations.
Co-authored by J. Shawn Landres, co-founder of Jumpstart and a Civil Society Fellow at Luskin, and Shakari Byerly of Evitarus, a strategic advisory and public opinion research firm, the study highlights the gap between household giving to local charities and the need of charitable organizations. It states that “historical patterns of local generosity may be shifting to a new, lower norm, across all household income levels. The gap is widening between what donors are giving and what the region needs the charitable sector to deliver.”
Research to inform development of affordable housing, grocery, and other amenities in South Los Angeles South LA could see its 1st Costco — with adjacent affordable apartments
LOS ANGELES — Costco members who’ve long dreamed of being able to instantly transport jumbo packs of toilet paper to their homes could soon have that opportunity in South Los Angeles. On Tuesday, the real estate firm Thrive Living announced its plan to convert a five-acre site in Baldwin Village into a building that will include hundreds of apartments — and a Costco.
Located near La Brea Avenue and Coliseum Street near the Metro E (Expo) Line station, the building will include 800 apartments — 184 of which will be set aside for low-income households. The rest will be market-rate affordable and workforce housing that is eligible for Section 8 vouchers. The company says the site is designed to “support families, seniors and other residents to move laterally from within the community,” according to a statement released Tuesday.
“Mayor Bass has declared a housing emergency in Los Angeles, and we’re answering the call,” Thrive Living’s Jordan Brill said.
The event is in the Golden Eagle Ballroom at Cal State LA with a reception at 5 PM and the screening at 6 PM.
opens in a new windowVisit the Bridging the Divide Facebook page.
Come celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Tom Bradley!
See this award-winning film followed by a panel on the politics of inclusion.
City Attorney Mike Feuer drops out of LA mayor’s race, backs Karen BassThe end of Feuer’s campaign comes just days after Councilman Joe Buscaino ended his run for mayor and endorsed billionaire real estate developer Rick Caruso.
City Attorney Mike Feuer on Tuesday, May 17, abandoned his bid to become the next mayor of Los Angeles, throwing his support behind Rep. Karen Bass, whose internal poll shows she is neck and neck with billionaire businessman Rick Caruso.
Feuer had struggled to break out of a pack of mayoral hopefuls who could not escape single-digits in polling.
In a creative bid for attention from voters, Feuer’s recent campaign ad showed him walking a dachshund, a professional animal actor named Martin, around neighborhoods in Los Angeles. The ad portrayed Feuer as an underdog and listed his achievements in office.
But Feuer faced obstacles, including federal investigations in which he was not a subject, but that unfolded in his department. The probe resulted in a guilty plea by a former senior lawyer in the City Attorney’s Office who was involved in the 2014 Department of Water and Power billing system scandal and corruption.
Los Angeles Unified School District Survey of 34,000 students, 3,000 teachers and employees, and 6,000 parents (2021)In a major overhaul of the Los Angeles School Police Department, the Board of Education on Tuesday approved a plan that cuts a third of its officers, bans the use of pepper spray on students and diverts funds from the department to improve the education of Black students.
The unanimous decision comes after a yearlong campaign by students activists and community members to reimagine the school police force, which they maintain disproportionately targets Black and Latino children. Their drive and recent calls to completely defund the school Police Department intensified following the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, which forced cities and school districts across the country to consider how police use of force has disproportionately hurt Black Americans.
“We would not be at this point, though it is delayed admittedly, without the community’s leadership,” said board President Kelly Gonez. “I’m glad that the plan’s development also provided an opportunity for more engagement with our students, families and the broader community.”
City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Awareness and Engagement Survey of 8,600 Residents
Awareness and Engagement Survey
(The Public’s Experience with NCs)
EmpowerLA conducted a Neighborhood Council Awareness and Engagement survey of City of Los Angeles residents from October 2021 – January 2022. The EmpowerLA Awareness & Engagement survey is an outreach survey. The primary objective was to outreach to as many residents as possible and provide an opportunity for residents to share their views, as well as their awareness of, and engagement with, Neighborhood Councils.
We contacted LA County-registered voters with an available email, as well as Neighborhood Council board members, and people who requested ballots in the 2021 NC elections. This survey enlisted community feedback from as broad an audience as possible. In addition, it provides input on the respondents’ understanding of their more extensive experience with Neighborhood Councils.
The interactive tool presenting results from the Awareness & Engagement survey with demographic crosstabs displays the survey results, viewable by City Council districts, by Neighborhood Council region, and by Neighborhood Council.
At the March 1, 2022 Board of Neighborhood Commissioners meeting, the Department presented a summary of the EmpowerLA Awareness & Engagement survey.
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